Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Joys of Parenthood

It has begun-Potty training. In a way, it is pretty easy with Libby. She is not frightened by the potty. She stays dry for a long time. BUT she never initiates the potty. I will ask "Do you need to go to the potty?" She says, "No" or Not yet." I say let's try-5 minutes later she is happily flushing away her "yellow" as she calls it. In time I know she will get it, but man this is harder than it looks!
In other news, Libby is walking without support. She is stiff and steps gingerly, but she is doing it. She is MUCH more upright than she used to be. I am amazed at her determination. She got some new shoes for her birthday and I think that they are definitely helping her keep her feet flat on the floor. I'll try to get some video soon!

Joe is great. He is happy to read a thousand books a day-or sit in your lap and watch Libby. He loves to play with blocks and to put things in and out of boxes/bins. He can say JUICE, HI, and BALL. I think he can say LIBBY too but he doesn't do it often. And as I type, I think his hair has grown an inch on the back of his head.

To end this blog, I wanted to write down a few things that I do NOT want to forget later.
1. Libby says "enbaloop" for "envelope"

2. She now sings what we are doing to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell"

3. Joe now thinks that walking deserves TONS of praise since we clap and cheer for Libby. He goes crazy for her when she walks and expects the same in return.
4. He gives me a kiss every morning when I go and get him out of bed. And he greets Corey with a "Da" and running hug whenever he gets home from work.
I also want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY Grandma! Today is my Grandma's birthday and she is one of the reasons we have this blog-my grandparents live in Charleston, but like to keep up with the kiddos. I love you and hope you have a great day! P.S. Libby has to use her princess blanket every evening when she watches TV-she loves it!

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