Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Sorry I don't have pics today. I promise to post some soon. We've been busy lately. The kids are great. Libby is walking on her own a lot now. She is getting stronger and stronger-and smarter. She has learned to take her splints off at night, which makes them slightly ineffective! We go to Pittsburgh next week for a follow-up so we'll have some new input from them.

Potty training is also going okay. We haven't been too hard core, but Libby is getting it. Yesterday she sat on the potty and she knew that she had done something. She turned and looked in the potty and cried "Oh Mommy, there is a little bit of yucky in there!" She had pooped on potty and was very excited about it. As long as we initiate the going to the potty, she will do her business-but so far no sign of her telling us!

Libby also had her 3 year check up on Monday. She weighs 24.6 pounds and is 33.5 inches long. Both are below the 5th percentile, but just right on her curve. She is growing and that is what matters.

Joe is also growing. He loves to eat and play and gibber-jabber all the time. He can say "Ball" and "Book" and he knows what "No" means now. He is also a fit-thrower. When he doesn't get his way you would have thought the world had ended. But most of the time he is just as happy as a lark.

As I said more pics later!

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