Sunday, October 25, 2009

October Fun

Kids in their Halloween shirts, and behaving for the camera

We have had another crazy month, but the kids are great-and so are Corey and I. We have not done a whole lot-other than school and work, but it feels like we've been running a marathon. I can't tell you how excited I am for Thanksgiving.
Libby and Joe are both doing great. Libby is becoming a little parent. She tried to put Joe in "time-out" last week. I had to explain that only mommy or daddy puts Joe in time-out, but I think she was a little annoyed that she wasn't allowed. She has also become ridiculously independent. She dresses herself (most of the time), walks everywhere by herself etc. She does not want any help from anyone. The other day she picked out this outfit-a black shirt and black pants with a pink head band. I thought she looked very "Audrey Hepburn" so I took some pics.She loves to make funny faces-and cracks up if you make them with her. I've mentioned before that she likes hide-n-seek. But the funny thing is, if she hides, she jumps out as soon as you are done counting and says "You pound (found) me! Good job!" We are trying to teach her to stay hidden, but oh well.
Libby also likes to use our camera to take pictures now. She has her own, but when ours is available, she loves it. This is one she took at breakfast of me washing dishes. She gets really excited when the picture comes on the screen.
Libby dancing in the living room

Mr. Blue Eyes-he loves a bath!

Joe is growing all the time. He went to the doctor to have his 15 month check up and shots 2 weeks ago. He was 28 pounds 12 ounces (90th) and 30(ish) inches tall (75th). He loves to be chased and to read books. He loves blocks and legos. He is saying more words now including-"cheese" for the camera, "das" for yes (when he says it he nods -but it looks like a bow), "ba" for bath, ball, book, any word starting with "b". He's a hoot-he's too strong and too tall for his age, so he is constantly getting into trouble. One of his favorite things to do is climb inside of things, especially laundry baskets. He's been a bit of a grump lately because he is literally getting all of his teeth at once.
He's a goober for the camera!
Libby and Joe playing together-Libby would push Joe around by bumping him with the rocket

I thought this was hilarious-Libby with the remote, watching TV.
And this is lazy Joe-too cute!

In other news, I am more than halfway done with my first semester. It is a lot of work, but I'm keeping up-mainly because of Corey. He's been great! Also, Corey got a full-time day shift position, so NO MORE NIGHTS! It makes me so happy I cannot even express. I'm sure there are tons of things that I am forgetting, but I'll post again as soon as I can.