Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Libby's deCASTification and other things from the week

This last week has been a good one. Libby finally adjusted and accepted her casts (of course right before they were coming off). Because of Joe's birthday, there were lots of new toys to capture their attention. My favorite day was when Libby decided that we should all dress up. I got some pictures and they make me smile all the time. This is Joe all done up ala Libby. This will be one of those pictures we bring out to embarrass him for decades to come! Libby gave me a hat and necklace. She was dressed as Princess P from Super Why.Libby also drew her first smiley face (I drew the circle).

This week we had Joe's one year appointment too. He is 26.5 pounds (95th percentile) and 30.5 inches long (75th percentile). He's a healthy baby boy-developing appropriately and right on track. Dr. Tony was very pleased with him! Joe was less than pleased with his vaccinations and finger-stick, but by the next day he was back to his happy self.

Libby's decastification was good. Unfortunately, she was VERY sad to see her princess pants go away. Fortunately, the doctor said that the left leg is straight and the right has less than 20 degrees to go. He seemed pretty confident that physical therapy would help that! After the casts were off she was very sensitive and emotional. It was a rough evening, but she woke up a bit happier. I put her "make-do" splints on and she likes them. Next week we will get her real splints. She hasn't really tried to walk-she is still sore and her muscles are stiff. We'll keep everyone updated on her.

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