Saturday, January 03, 2009

A New Year in so many ways

Happy New Year to everyone out there. Our new year was very uneventful and wonderful. Corey went to a conference for 5 days and returned on New Years Eve. Libby welcomed him home by walking ALL over the place. We have video of her up on her feet for over a minute. She could kick a ball, pick up a ball and throw a ball without falling down. It was absolutely AMAZING! Corey said it was the best welcome home gift ever. Second only to Joe being able to sit up on his own most of the time.

Corey pretending to be mad about putting the bed together

Corey was exhausted and I was exhausted so our new year was boring-we went to bed early and slept 10 hours! For us that was a wonderful celebration. The day brought some changes to Libby's room-we transitioned her to a toddler bed. She was excited during the process and when it was complete she laid down on the pillow. However, at the end of the day she was MUCH less excited. She is an easy put-to-bed child. Reading a story and saying our prayers and then into bed without a fuss is a typical night for her. The new bed must have been a little unnerving for her though and she cried. Corey went in first and she said "No white pillow" which sounds like "No wipe piwoah". So Corey ditched the pillow and rocked her for a bit. She still cried a little and we decided if she was not asleep by 9:30, the crib was resurfacing. But at 9:25, she was asleep and slept straight through. Her nap the next day brought a few tears, but she slept again. Finally last night she waved nigh-night to Daddy and went to sleep with no crying. The only strange thing is that she rarely tries to get out. In the morning I still find her sitting with her blanket in her bed.

Libby and Joe both got to sport their wintry duds to go to MeMe and Pappy's house on New Years as well. They kept the kids so Corey and I could go to lunch and piddle at the mall and Town Center. The kids got Mickey and Minnie hats from Corey's Aunt Deedee and Uncle Danny since they just visited Disney Land (or World) over Thanksgiving. Libby loves it and it looks great with her new coat and boots from Gramma Candy.

Finally, a few pics of Libby today. She let me braid her hair and she walked for the camera!

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