Wednesday, January 21, 2009


This week brings less snot-which is a wonderful thing when it comes to kids! We are getting along much better despite the VERY COLD weather. We haven't been out much-mainly because of the snow and extreme temperatures. Pappy visited on Saturday and that was fun. Libby was laughing so hard that no noise was coming out of her at all. Pappy tends to have that affect. While he was here, Corey got in some ping-pong time and I was watching/talking from one of our recliners. I managed to tip it all the way over and Libby was SO concerned. She kept saying "Mommy, you ok?" The funny part is that everyday she reminds me of the story. "Mommy fall in da chair. Are you ok Mommy?" And then she kisses my head and says "All better now." Too cute!

Libby and Joe are able to play more together which is fun. Joe is getting around better and better-he is even starting to pull up onto things-my leg, the bouncy chair, the stairs (thanks mom for showing him that one!). Here is a video of the kids playing in Libby's room. As soon as Joe gets close she references the times that he pulled her hair and also when her cousin Sami pulled her hair (I think she is slightly traumatized).

As for milestones, Joe is racking them up quickly. He can crawl with his belly off the floor now. He can get himself to sitting and pull up on some objects. He makes a lot of noises, but nothing like Mama or Dada yet. He can eat biter biscuits and Baby Mum Mums. Libby is doing great as well. She is walking alot of the time now. She chooses to walk to her destinations without prompting. She loves to color and climb, to sit on the counter (bad habit) and play her keyboard. Her vocabulary is ever-expanding and she is easier to understand. Here is her rendition of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star...

1 comment:

Nathan & Sarah said...

Cole, I love Libby's rendition of "Twinkle Twinkle..." its adorable. She is growing up so fast. I hope you are all doing well.