Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I was tagged

Here are the tagging rules:
1. Post the rules on your blog
2. Write 6 random things about yourself
3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post
4. If you're tagged, DO IT and pass on the tag

1. I love coffee. I'm not a coffee snob, but I love to drink it anytime of day. I've been drinking it since I was 16-thanks to Ashley Iliff who bought me my first cup from Burger King on our way to a breakfast picnic at Cooper's Rock. In high school I would drink a cup before school and then take a thermos with me to drink in first period. I am back to my 2 cup a day habit now that I'm not pregnant.

2. I have journaled since I was 13. I have probably 20 some journals with my thoughts, devotions, prayers etc dating back to when I became a Christian. I was really dedicated in high school/college and try to keep it up now. I've gone back through and read them and it is eat to see how much I have changed (and not in some ways).

3. I watch silly teen movies when they are on TV. When Corey is working, I watch the silliest movies, but I love them. The most recent one was Picture Perfect - and guess what the girl got the guy and they lived happily ever after.

4. I don't like cheesecake-despite the fact that I am a dessert queen. It's too heavy even for me.

5. I say "O Gosh" a lot more than I should. I found this out when it became one of Libby's first phrases.

6. I've read Pride and Prejudice at least 6 times. Again I think it's refreshing when a book or movie ends the way it is supposed to. I love Jane Austen and could probably quote most of the passages out of this book

I'm calling out:

Scott and Danie - you two are quirky to say the least and have way more than 6 random things to share I'm sure

Casey V- you are my sis and I love you and want to know what YOU think is random about yourself... I could name several

Jules Mercer- Are you ever going to post again?? Let this be a catalyst

Beth Chase- Having slightly older children gives you a unique perspective

Rachel Yoder- I haven't linked your blog to mine yet, but you are my most random friend for sure! (She was my nurse when I had Libby and we hit it off right away-b/c we both love Jesus!)

Summer Shelton- my only roommate other than Corey and one of my best friends.. I need to link yor blog too!

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