Monday, August 18, 2008

Big Plans

Well we have had a busy weekend. On Friday the whole fam headed to Pittsburgh for Libby's orthopedic appointment. Corey and I were determined to get some answers and a plan in place for her and we did. Libby will have an MRI on September 12 and then we will schedule knee surgery for the upcoming months. Our doc was very pleased with her progress and the steps that she has started taking, but he said that she will never be fully straight without surgery (a fact we knew). So we are shooting for this winter when there are less fun things to do (she will be in casts for at least 4 weeks after).Libby playing dress up with her cousin Aubree. They are learning to play nicely together-even sharing Pappy!

After Pittsburgh we went straight down to Webster County to visit Corey's Mamaw, Aunt Debbie and Uncle John. Although a long trip (6.5 hours in the car on Friday), it was a great visit. The Webster Springs faction of the family hadn't met Joe yet, so that was really special. Mamaw got to hold the beast (he's getting so big) and enjoy Libby's sweetness. Saturday morning Libby went with Debbie to wake Mamaw up and she crawled in bed to snuggle. She really is one of the sweetest children I've ever known. (Just moments ago she walked into the office and said "Go to bed. Please. " She wanted to go to bed and she asked so sweetly!)Libby at Deep Creek couple weeks ago

Overall, we are doing well. Joe is sleeping a little longer (sometimes 4 hour stretches.) I tried out the Once a Month cooking thing today (I probably only cooked enough for 2 weeks but it was SUPER fun). Corey and Libby had another Daddy-daughter errand date today which is too cute. She loves her Daddy!

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