Friday, August 01, 2008

Everyday occurences

I often blog about special things, but this is a week where not a whole lot happened. Joe is getting older-6 weeks today; Libby is learning so fast; Corey and I are functioning on very little sleep but have high hopes that this month Joe will sleep longer! So included today are photos of things we do a lot-that make all this lack of sleep worthwhile!
Here Libby wanted to wear these boots from Aunt Kerri. She loves the boots but cannot walk in them and thus was getting very frustrated. She eventually gave up.
This was Libby and Joe's first bath together and Joe's first bath without screaming. I think he likes it now. Libby is giving him a kiss on the head-this occurs about 100 times a day. She loves her "bruder".

MeMe and Pappy came for a visit last week-they have been quarantined with bronchitis and back pain and missed their grandkids. I don't blame them, they are pretty cute! Joe looks a lot like his Pappy!

Yesterday after Libby's nap, the three of us had a picnic on the carpet. Libby served us all cereal and pretend "foffee"-even Joe was allowed to participate. Libby is really starting to play games that last longer then 3 seconds-much more fun for mommy!

Mornings are probably my favorite part of our everyday. Joe typically sleeps and Libby and I both have energy (as opposed to afternoons when only Libby has energy). This morning Libby wanted to wear her French Toast as a hat-she kept holding it there saying "hat" until I acknowledged her and said how pretty she looked. Now her hair is slightly syrupy but oh well. This picture is just cute and shows how big Joe is getting already!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cole, your little ones are just precious! I love the picture of them taking a bath. The fun is just starting!! :)