Friday, March 28, 2008

This is Joe

So this is Joe. He's 1 pound 7 ounces (Libby was 2lbs 2oz at birth) and healthy. He's extremely active and everyone has decided that he looks like Corey too. They did a 4D ultrasound and that was REALLY cool-the tech said that next time they would look even better.

Everything around the Bozic household is good. Libby continues to expand her vocabulary (now she says "High Five" and "Owl" and her favorite "Whoa"). She's progressing with her motor skills too. Everyday she is standing up more and using the furniture to get around. She's a stubborn and determined little girl and the combination is both encouraging and frustrating-she's so independent that she won't let us help her!

1 comment:

Becky said...

I can't stop looking at Joe!! He's so beautiful. I can't wait to get my mitts on the little critter!

I love my girls, but I am so excited to have a little boy around....I have more experience with them!
