Monday, November 05, 2007

Our Beautiful new Niece

Corey and I left Libby with her Meme and Pappy on Friday and headed down to Charleston to see Sami. Oh my goodness! She is such a cutie; she never cried! We did the Charleston rounds-Casey and Grandma this time. It was nice to sleep at Grandma's without the screaming child Libby can be in strange places.Claire and her "baby"

In other news, Libby is saying more words. It sounds like she says "up" and "play". She hasn't quite adjusted to the time change (thus a post at 7 AM), but I have full confidence that we can get through this too.

She went to the doctor on Friday and she is 17 pounds - slow and steady wins the race right? We go to ortho on Wednesday, so I'll let everyone know how that goes. I'm taking our physical therapist so she can ask better questions than I do.

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