Monday, November 12, 2007

16 months and I'm still surprised

Libby hanging out around 4:00 AM; I love how she holds her cup with her foot!

Well Libby turned 16 months old yesterday and she celebrated by being up from 2-4:30 this morning. We tried to get her back to sleep, but she wouldn't cooperate, and Corey and I aren't of the "let-them-cry-for-a-long-time" faction. We let her cry for 10-15 minutes, but that's it. So around 3, I brought her downstairs and she played for a good hour and a half. It just goes to show that you never really have a handle on this parenting thing. Just as soon as I think we are in a schedule, Libby decides to go off of it. Just when I think I know what she likes to eat, she spits out cheese (her favorite thing).

But she has done other surprisingly wonderful things too. The other day she crawled over to me with arms wide and gave me a hug-complete with the "aah" sound she makes when she hugs her babies. She has also defied the odds again. We went to the orthopedic surgeon last week and he was so surprised that she is able to cruise around the furniture. He still thinks she will probably need surgery on her right knee, but we are trying some new braces first. She gets fitted for those next week. She's a trooper!

1 comment:

Candy F said...

She is amazing! Of course, I am a little biased, but she melts my heart everytime I see her.
