Monday, October 29, 2007

Samantha Vanderbilt Beachy and other weekend highlights

The baby has a name! Samantha. This name was not even in the running, but Casey has a way of surprising everyone. She is adorable and Casey is recovering well.

The week has been an eventful one for us as well. Wednesday brought Libby's annual review with Birth-To-Three (the program that provides her physical therapy etc). Amazingly enough, Libby has caught up so quickly that we had to say good-bye to her Occupational Therapist Yvonne. Libby is not significantly delayed in fine motor or cognitive abilities. We still see her physical therapist Heather and her developmental specialist Jenny.

We had some good food and friends over on Saturday for Mountaineer Football and it was great. Libby and Elliott rediscovered the bouncy seat and they wanted to sit together. It was so cute! The kids played so hard all day, that it was hard to keep Libby up past 6:00 pm.

Finally, Sunday brought about Libby's dedication. It was our chance to make public what has always been in our hearts-that Libby is the Lord's. And we are going to do our best to raise her the way that He would want. Everything went smoothly and afterwards, we had a nice lunch at Meme and Pappy's!


Anonymous said...

I love Libby's face int this pic. It reminds me of her daddy a lot. I really think she is going to be a goofball like her daddy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting Samantha on the blog. She really is cute, huh? I don't know how well I'm recovering, I can't quit crying in looking at these pictures of Libby. I miss her...bring her to see me and her new cuz soon!