Monday, February 28, 2011

Fun things...

We have been busy, but with a new camera, I have also been taking more pictures. The winter chill is still upon us, so we have been staying indoors. That doesn't mean we haven't been having a blast. I'll let the pictures tell the stories (and captions).

Precious moment captured post-bath.

Libby helping me make roasted squash and ricotta stuffed shells.
She LOVES to cook and eat. Look at the tongue stuck out in concentration!

Joe in big boy underpants. He is NOT potty trained, but we are moving in that direction.

Family movie night. The kids got the comfy chairs, candy and strawberry milk.
I got the couch and a Care Bear movie (I think they won in this scenario).

Joe trying to coax daddy into another horsey ride.
Joe weighs right at 40 lbs, so the horsey can only go so far.

Cute kiddo feet. This is mainly me playing with the camera :)

Ball race in the basement. This has become a favorite activity for the kiddos. Libby makes me whistle to start the race.

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