Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Our Weekend Away

Joe turned 8 months on Friday and our way to celebrate was to take a trip without him or Libby. With the help of MeMe and Pappy (who took Joe) and Aunt Debbie and Uncle John (who kept Libby), Corey and I were able to go to Gaitlinburg TN to spend the weekend in a cabin with our friends Scott and Danielle. It has been a long time since we have had a weekend away and it was truly wonderful.

Scott and Dani had told us they were going on a weekend trip and when we asked if we could join in another cabin, they asked us to just stay with them. It was so fun. We played pool and soaked in the hot tub. We napped and watched movies. It was great to spend time with our friends and away from our kids. Scott made yummy food (I think his perfectly cooked steaks were my favorite-although the lava cake came close), and Corey and I took a really nice walk in the warm weather.

While away, our kids had a wonderful time too. Libby was DOTED upon by Debbie and John. They played "tennis" (badminton) in the hallway and she ate them out of house and home. Joe charmed his MeMe and Pappy with lots of smiles and laughs. He is into everything, but that grin gets him off easy most of the time. I think the weekend was great all around!
In other news, Libby went to the orthopedic doctor yesterday and it looks like we are scheduling surgery for the end of May (after our vacation). He was really pleased that she is walking, but agrees that it is time to correct the tight knee capsule and get her on the road to walking with straight legs. This is an answer to prayer and also a reason to pray. Keep her in your prayers-they have never let us down!

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