Friday, March 28, 2008

This is Joe

So this is Joe. He's 1 pound 7 ounces (Libby was 2lbs 2oz at birth) and healthy. He's extremely active and everyone has decided that he looks like Corey too. They did a 4D ultrasound and that was REALLY cool-the tech said that next time they would look even better.

Everything around the Bozic household is good. Libby continues to expand her vocabulary (now she says "High Five" and "Owl" and her favorite "Whoa"). She's progressing with her motor skills too. Everyday she is standing up more and using the furniture to get around. She's a stubborn and determined little girl and the combination is both encouraging and frustrating-she's so independent that she won't let us help her!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Pigtails

Easter was good for all the Bozic clan. Libby was adorable as usual. Meme captured proof of pigtails, but by the time Libby got to church they were gone. We spent most of the day with my family-and Libby was hilarious. She learned to say Kerri (Kee) and Casey (Kay-See) and she played with Claire (of course). Her favorite thing was Claire's peep stuffed ball-which happened to be as big as she is.

Last week we went to Pittsburgh for an orthopedic appointment. Doctors are always an adventure for us, but he had nothing that new to say. The problems in her knees are due to her knee capsule (tendon in the knee) being tight and we need to continue therapy until surgery is absolutely necessary. It can be discouraging sometimes, but Libby knows how to lift our spirits. The other morning she was playing and she just stood herself up in the middle of the room without holding on to anything. She fell down within seconds, but she is determined. So therapy will continue and so will prayer. Maybe surgery won't be necessary.

I'll post new pics of Joe after our appointment this morning.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Updates on Joe and Libby!

Here is Joe's hand. We went to the doc yesterday for an ATI (check the amniotic fluid levels) and got to see him waving. He's doing great. The ultrasound tech was so pleased to tell me everything looks normal! I go back in two weeks for a growth scan because then I am 24 weeks pregnant which means viability! Despite the normalcy of my pregnancy they are still going to watch closely over Joe and I'll probably have to have an amniocentesis at 36 weeks to make sure his lungs are developed before he comes out. So his debut should be around June 20-30 ish.

Joe's feet and toes.

Libby is doing great as well she has several new quirky things that she does. She can now buckle herself into her seat, but as you can see the unbuckling is not mastered yet. She tips the chair and tries to crawl with it on her back like a little turtle. She has also mastered "Touchdown" which should come in handy this fall. Her new favorite game-instigated by Grandma Candy (or as Libby calls her Gee-gee) is fake sleeping. She will put her baby down and say "Shh" (couldn't get a pic of that yet). Then she lays down on her belly and pulls the covers up over her. This will amuse her for much longer than you would think.

By the way, we do get Libby dressed, but she does the cutest things in the morning when she is still pajama clad. She looks adorable when she gets dressed in her overalls and I put her hair in pigtails-pics of that to come.

Monday, March 03, 2008


Here are the promised pictures of Libby in the ottoman

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Long time no post

We've been really busy in the Bozic household lately thus no posts. Also my printer-which transfers all my digital photos-is not working properly at the moment so no photos at the moment.

We are all well. Libby is learning new words everyday. She now says "up" and "down" really well. She gibber-jabbers a lot too, and we all wonder what in the world she is saying. She has also learned to love climbing (thank you Elliott). Now she climbs into our ottomans, onto her play table, into boxes etc. She is really good at getting in and not so great at getting out. It's mommy to the rescue on most occasions. She's a really special little girl in every way. We go to Pittsburgh this month to see a new orthopedic surgeon. Libby's knees are getting better and better, but surgery may still be an option down the line. We'll let you know after our trip.

Baby Joe is good too. He kicks all the time-especially after I eat. We get to see him again next week! This waiting 4 weeks between appointments is torturous-I feel like I lived in the POC when I was pregnant with Libby and the only good thing was that we got to see her so often.

Corey is doing good too. We are both adjusting to 12 hour shifts, but every week it gets better. I think that takes care of us - more news later.