Monday, February 11, 2008

IT'S A... and other news from the Bozics

Our ultrasound this morning revealed what Corey and others had already guessed. We are indeed having a baby boy this time around. Everything looks healthy and normal (who ever guessed we would be saying that about a pregnancy?). The pictures were amazing-amniotic fluid helps the resolution so we saw his features and his fingers and toes. It was so exciting! So the pink is gone and the blue is come-our families have both been waiting a while for a baby boy to be born so I think we'll be good.

In other news, Libby and I took a trip down to Charleston this weekend to visit my Grandma and Grandpa Fontalbert as well as both sisters and my nieces. Libby had a blast! She loved Grandma's house and all the newness of it. And of course Libby is happy wherever Claire is. She was also amazingly sweet to Sami-she kissed and hugged her as well as combed her "hair". It was a quick visit, but a good one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats! We're so happy for you guys! And so glad everything is going so well. Always in our prayers... we love you!