Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Growing, growing, growing

I will have more pictures up soon, but here is the weekly update. Not a whole lot has changed-which is a good thing. Libby continues to grow and do well. She now weighs 2 pounds 11 ounces. They are weening her off the oxygen (she's only on 1/32 nd of a liter) and continue to do her exercises for her feet. Corey and I have gotten to bathe and hold her-even change diapers. The next step is bolus feeds-instead of a steady drip, the food will come all at once every three hours. I don't know when they will start this, but I will keep everyone posted. Thank you for your prayers!

1 comment:

cameron king said...

Hey Cole and Corey and Libby! I think of you often. I'm looking forward to seeing the little one. Your perseverence and hope through all this has been amazing. We'll keep praying! --Cam and Sarah