Monday, October 11, 2010

The last month

Oh goodness... school has begun again. Thus posts are few and far between, but I have a few minutes today to tell you how we all are. Libby and Joe are both great! They are funny and vibrant kiddos. Libby is getting to be a really big kid-who loves to play dress-up and pretend. She is a fabulous dancer and a really good big sister when she wants to be. Joe idealizes Libby. He follows her around. He says what she says. They are both getting bigger and bigger-albeit, Joe is growing up at an alarming rate! He is taller and denser than Libby now. He weighs in at around 35 lbs. Libby is right at 30. Joe loves to color now-and Libby is working on her letters, so we have table time everyday to let them practice. They both also really like jumping-off tables, couches, toy boxes. It is kind of terrifying, but they love it. I am pretty convinced that they are monkeys.

Libby making a funny face-she is SO much like her daddy.

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