Wednesday, August 04, 2010

a summer recap

I have spent most of my summer in a law offie. So the hiatus on blog posts can be mostly blamed on that. On top of that, I wasn't home a lot, so I didn't really take a lot of pictures. But we happened to have had the BEST nanny in the world. On her last day, she presented me with a CD of 347 pictures that she took of our kiddos throughout the summer. So I can share all the things that they did with you. But before I go on, we want to thank Alexis for all she did for us this summer! You are the best and our kiddos adore you!


1 comment:

Becky said...

Oh my goodness....these are fabulous pictures! Alexis has been a God-send. (I hope you got your dibs in for next summer if she wants to do the nanny thing again!!!)