Sunday, September 13, 2009

Settling into a schedule

Our Big girl with a Big smile-she's rediscovered her love of the camera!

We've been busy these last two weeks. In addition to all my new law school activities, we went to Corey's 10 year reunion. Scott and Danielle and Ainsley came in for the festivities. Danielle took pictures but I didn't-so check out the Taylor's blog for that post. It was great to get the kids together. Libby and Ainsley played together really well-on their way to being best friends.
Joe and Libby snugging on the benches.Libby's baseball stance when she gets tired of standing up straight

In our house, the kids have been playing all sorts of new games. Libby loves hide-and-go seek. She counts to 10 (sometimes in Spanish) and gets so tickled when she comes to find one of us. She has also started pretending to play the piano and singing songs. Her best songs are "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," "Row, Row, Row your Boat," and "Jesus Loves Me." She sits on the edge of a box and "plays" on a table toy.

Joe still loves books. He has started liking to build with blocks. But he climbs everything. He climbs onto the couch, onto the bench, onto chairs and tables and anything else that he can pull up on. He is talking a little bit now. His first phrase was "Sit Down." I say that to him probably 100 times a day-no wonder he can say it so well.
We've tried to make some fun out of my non-studying hours. Last week we took the kids to the park in Star City. They had a blast running around-and then getting Chick-Fil-A for dinner! On Saturday, Corey and his dad went to the Mountaineer game. The kids got super cool Mountaineer gear from Gramma, but Libby preferred her princess dress to her cheerleader outfit. Joe looked super cute in his jersey-with the flying WV on the butt!

All in all we are adjusting. Every week it is a little easier!

Libby all bedecked-princess dress, Dora back pack and sunglasses!

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