Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Our first vacation since kids

Corey and I have done all sorts of things these last 3 years of parenting, but going away for a week is not one of them. In fact the last vacation we took was after we graduated from college-so we were due. And in January we shared these thoughts with some friends who felt the same way. So our trip to the Dominican Republic was born. Four couples (the Burdettes, Iliffs, Mercers and us) journeyed south and had a great time. There were days of clouds and some sun, it rained pretty much everyday, but rarely hindered our morning pursuit of the pool or beach. We ate great food and went to bed early. In general, it was a relaxed week with no agenda and lots of laughs. I will spare you pic after pic, but you can go to our picasa web album and see them (thanks Ash for the idea).


Meanwhile, our kiddos were being wonderfully cared for by both sets of grandparents. Of course Joe started really walking while we were gone and Libby seems to have doubled her vocabulary. That's what you get for leaving them for 6 days. Our reception when the kids woke up Saturday was less than exuberant, but throughout the day we got longer hugs and more fearful expressions when we would leave a room-you could almost hear Libby or Joe asking "are you coming back soon?"

Now we are gearing up for Libby's surgery. It is happening Monday morning and we need all your prayers. I'll let you know how we are doing when we get home on Tuesday.


Baby Hancock said...

You look great, Cole! So glad you finallly got some time to relax-- you're a great mom and you deserve it!

I'll pray for Libby's surgery!!

Nathan & Sarah said...

Cole, I hope you all had a wonderful time at the beach. Thank you for sharing your pictures, they were great!