Monday, September 15, 2008


Our trip to Pittsburgh for Libby's MRI was LONG and exhausting. We dropped Joe off to spend the day with his MeMe (thank you) around 9:00 and by 9:30 we were on the road. Libby is great in the car-especially since we let her watch Blue's Clues on the DVD player (thanks Gramma). Last time we went to UPMC we were late because of construction. Of course this time, no construction so we were an hour early. And to make matters worse, Libby peed through her diaper and mommy packed everything but extra clothes (dumb mommy). So we had a pantsless toddler in a waiting room without food or drink (nothing after 11:00 a.m. because she had to be sedated). But as always, Libby was a trooper. Around noon, we went back and got all of her vitals taken. Then we were shipped to the MRI waiting room-luckily Libby was asleep by this time. And then we proceeded to wait for 2 hours. Libby woke up and played-she was less upset about not eating than Corey or I (we were starving by this time because we didn't want to eat in front of her). Around 2:00 they finally took her and Corey back to MRI land (I am not great with needles in my arm, much less hers so I stayed in the waiting room). Around 4:00 they came and got me and took me to her in recovery. She was very groggy and upset-but juice and graham crackers helped. Soon she was back asleep and we were allowed to leave. It was 5:00. So then we dealt with 5:00 traffic - not as bad as it could have been. We stopped at the first exit that we could to eat-a lovely picture of Corey shoving the food in his face. And we got back to MeMe and Pappy's around 7:00. Libby didn't wake up until Morgantown. And then it was like she was a newborn all over again. She had little head control. She fell over easily. I admit we all laughed-she was smiling and happy so I think that's ok. She woke up the next day fine and dandy.

Libby standing on her own. She is wearing a rain coat that Gramma got her. She refused to take it off all Saturday evening.

Had to end with a quick pic of Joe. He's doing great-sleeping, eating, smiling etc.


Baby Hancock said...

So glad it turned out well!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bozics! Glad to hear everything went well! Libby is such a trooper and Joe is getting cuter everyday! We love you guys. :)