Friday, July 11, 2008

Happy Birthday to You Libby

To my little girl on her second birthday,

Before you were born, we spent months in agony wondering if we would ever hold you or know you. We spent our time praying for a miracle. On July 11 2006 at 9:09 a.m. we got one. And I think if there is one thing that you should know on your birthday it is that you were worth all the tears, the bed rest, the hospitalization, the pain and uncertainty. You are worth so much more than that!

And today we celebrate YOU! In a way your birthday is a milestone for our whole community. You belong to us all because everyone prayed for you. Everyone we know-and a lot of people that we don't know- came together to surround you with prayer. And today we celebrate God answering those prayers.

And at 2 you are quite a child! You play hard-you love to be outside and in the water (as long as it isn't cold), you love books and music. You have a huge vocabulary that is expanding everyday. You love TV - Blue's Clues and Yo Gabba Gabba are your favorite. You know all the characters and some of the dances that they do. Your favorite foods are french fries and raisins, but you eat just about anything. You get up early - usually by 6:00 - but you take naps and go to bed without a word. If you wake up in the night, daddy rocks you and you go back to sleep. You love your new brother. You ask to hold him and then you "gickle gickle" him. When you decide to do something it gets done. You decided to start walking and now you can use your walker to walk anywhere and you can take 3 steps by yourself. There is so much to you that I can't put it in one post, but it is sufficient to say that you are amazing.

I love you and hope that this is a really happy birthday!


Nathan & Sarah said...

Happy Birthday Miss Libby!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Libby Grace! TWO already... what a wonderful blessing!

candyfont said...

You are a blessing too incredible to describe, Libby. Everytime I see you I can almost feel your little hands squeeze my heart. Happy Birthday, little one, you are loved more than you could ever know.

Becky said...

Happy Birthday sweet baby girl! Your Pappy and I love you so very much. You always make us smile. You are such a gift from God and we are so proud of you! May God pour heaps of blessings upon you, little one. MeMe


Happy Birthday Libby!