Sunday, August 12, 2007

Traveling, traveling, traveling

Libby has been going everywhere lately. On Wednesday, we visited Terry-a good friend of mom's and her grandchildren. Libby loved playing with Caitlyn and Luke again. We all (7 adults and 3 babies) went to lunch, which was hilarious! Here is a picture of Claire and Libby with Caitlyn and her cousin Rachel.We also visited Corey's parents on their vacation in Deep Creek. The weather didn't cooperate, but Libby enjoyed the meat loaf that was left over and crawling up and down the hallway. We got to take her in the indoor pool, and she LOVED it! She kicked her feet and laughed the whole time. She's going to be our water baby I guess.

In addition to pools, Libby also loves bath time! She loved it even more when her cousin Claire hopped in too. They played for a good half hour and got Libby all nice and clean before Grandma Candy put her to bed.

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